I've been wanting to make bath bombs for a while now because I love a good bath bomb, but don't like the pricing of said bath bombs. We are talking $6-$9 a piece!! To me, that price tag just isn't worth it. Thank goodness you can make these on your own!

You will need:
- 2 oz. Epsom Salt
- 2 oz. Citric Acid
- 2 oz. Corn Starch
- 1 1/4 tsp. Coconut Oil
- 4 oz. Baking Soda
- 1 tsp. Water
- Food Coloring
- Essential Oils
- Bath Bomb Mold
- A food scale to measure the ingredients

Towards the end of stirring the mixtures together I just use my hand. When the mixture starts to clump together when squeezed, it's time for the next step!

Scoop the mixture into a bath bomb mold. Make sure both sides have heaping amounts in them. Pack it in with you fingers. Add more if needed. Then squish both sides of the bath bomb together. If there is extra mixture it will squish out and that is perfect.

I used this little brush to clean up the edge of the bath bomb. This is not necessary but it does make it look a little more professional. And then as soon as you have compacted the mixture it's time to take the molds back off. Very carefully remove the bath bomb and lay it on a paper towel to dry out for a day. They start drying out pretty quickly so you want to move fast.
Here's a little video of the process! Makes it a lot easier to understand how it works.

See how easy it is to make your own bath bombs? I experimented with multi-colored ones right after I made these reddish pink ones. I definitely will have another recipe for more fun looking bath bombs in the near future. I haven't decided what direction I will go with them so if you have an idea I'd love to hear it!
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xo, Savannah

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