My friend Grace and I went to a Halloween Party last night and it was so much fun! We had known about the party for a really long time but neither of us decided what we were going to dress up as until a couple days before, or in my case, the day before. Of course, it was a costume party and I'm not going to lie, I don't really like dressing up. But the party was great and it was all worth it!

Grace had asked me if I could do Day of the Dead makeup for her and I happily accepted the challenge. She showed me these two pictures below and we went for it. You can see what she liked from each photo. We used waterproof black eyeliner for all the black lines, it worked like a charm! The color around Grace's eyes is many different shades of eye shadow.

My makeup was easy. Lots of eyeliner, fake eye lashes, fake freckles, circular blush and stitches coming out of my mouth. Oh and bright red lipstick of course!

My "creepy doll" costume was the easiest thing I could come up with. All you need is a dress and pigtails really. I wore polka dot tights (that you can't see here because my dress is too long) and over the knee socks with boots. And I tied little ribbons in my hair. The rest is in the makeup.

And now for some instagram photos. @ohsoprettygram by the way!

So Grace and I both wore fake eye lashes, duh. It's Halloween. That's what you do. But we had this long conversation about how you hate yourself the day after wearing them. As soon as you take the lashes off, your real eye lashes immediately seem insignificant. And for a while, you just want to wear fake eye lashes every day! So every time I wear fake eye lashes it's a bittersweet moment, because I feel like my eyes look fabulous but, I always know what lies ahead... Anyone else feel the same?
xo, Savannah